The first thing anyone ever realizes about me is that I’m essentially the definition of a typical girl.
My favourite brand is a toss up between Pandora and Cath Kidston. My favourite film is Love Actually. My favourite colour is purple. I started planning my wedding at age 8. I spend an hour getting ready most mornings, and frequently paint my nails twice, or more, a day.
There’s not doubt about it - I am a girl. And in addition to all of the above you can probably guess I have a (‘ridiculous’) obsession with love. (Note the ‘Moulin Rouge’ reference there…)
I personally think we have a lot to thank St Valentine for, and can’t possibly see why anyone would object to having a day solely designated to showing your nearest and dearest how much you care. Yes, if you love someone you should show them everyday in every way. But what’s so wrong with once a year buying a slightly overpriced card if it’s what’s going to make your loved ones happy?

This year, I sent five cards - not to announce anything huge or drastic that the recipients weren’t already aware of, but just to put a little smile on their faces. My two housemates awoke knowing that I loved living with them, and my best friends got a little reminder that even though they’re miles away from me, and each other, the friendship we have is never going to disappear. The fact that three of my facebook friends announced engagements on February 15th can’t be a coincidence either. I maintain that there is not a single person on the planet that doesn’t like being reminded, in a small or big way, that there is someone, somewhere who cares about them and is thinking of them on a day designated for sharing the love.
Single, or coupled up, Valentine’s Day has always been and will always remain to be one of my favourite times of year. And with that, I bid you all a very happy (albeit belated - blame Richard Branson and Virgin Media) Valentine’s Day.
Consider this my declaration of love to you, for taking five minutes out of your day to read my rambling. It’s greatly appreciated!
Love and Kisses,
Holly Salts