But, when I had a bit of spare cash a month ago, I popped into the Spitalfields branch to pick up a new tube of the 'They're Real' Mascara, but obviously couldn't stop there.
Concealer has been a big part of my make-up routine for many years, and I've never found one that lasted. Until now, I've been using the Rimmel 'Wake Me Up' Concealer, which offers great coverage, and obviously perfectly matches my foundation. However, it never lasts a full working day.
So with this in mind, I got chatting to a lovely sales assistant, who talked me through my options. By far my favourite was the 'Fake Up', which was being released that weekend.
It's £18.50 (a bit pricey - but you know you're getting quality with Benefit!) and comes in three shades. I took the lightest. At first I was taken by how easy it was to apply, and how well it covered. As I was due a new concealer, and had high hopes, I picked it up.
Since then, I've only been more and more impressed. It uses vitamin E, so as well as offering a good coverage, it hydrates the skin, which means easy application and your skin isn't left feeling overwhelmed when you take your make-up off in the evening!
Admittedly, the coverage still doesn't last all day - and at £18.50 a tube, its not the kind of thing you want to be constantly topping up.
The best solution I've found for this is to pop a quick bit of the Rimmel concealer over the top of it. Voila - full coverage, hydrated skin, and friendly to the purse!
Has anyone else tried it? What did you think?
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